City Council Candidate Interviews

Welcome to CivicList, an independent newsletter to build community and uplift voices! In this edition I include:

  • Interviews with four candidates for NYC Council seats around the city: Dan Cohen, Nantasha Williams, Abigail Martin, and Johanna Garcia.
  • Gratitude, art, and a quote.

First, Gratitude

I'm grateful for the announcement of a Civilian Climate Corps, and for finding a way to recalibrate 401(k) savings into high-earning environmental, social, and governance (ESG)- responsible investments.

Interviews with Candidates Abigail Martin and Nantasha Williams

Abigail Martin is running for District 11 in the Bronx; Nantasha Williams is running for District 27 in Queens. Watch here or listen here.

Interviews with Candidates Johanna Garcia and Dan Cohen

Johanna Garcia is running for City Council District 10, in upper Manhattan. Dan Cohen is running for City Council District 7 in the west side of Manhattan. Watch here or listen here.

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A Quote...

Fear itself is an aversion. There might be physical sensations, emotional associations that occur...the mind starts planning about the future, how to get out of this scary situation. But here’s the thing I want to point you to, which is that when you know you’re afraid, that means that some part of you is not afraid. The part that knows you’re afraid is not afraid. 

-- Frank Ostaseski